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01.12.2017. Review paper Biochemistry

The motif of dreams, in addition to the motif of a woman and space, is very significant and frequent in Andrić’s literary work. In fact, the motif of dreams presents a different way of realizing the motif of space, Andrić’s characters are equally realized through it, they live and act in it. This is the result of Andrić’s general interest in human ...

By Ikbal Smajlović

Different attitudes towards defining mursal hadith have been present since the second century of hijra and period of Ibn Qattan, up to the later hadith scholars, Ibn Abdu'l-Barra, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani and others. There are also differences in regards to validity of argumentation of these kinds of hadiths. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate...

By Salih Indžić

At a time when information technology has a strong impact on society, it is important to identify the level of its influence on foreign language teaching and learning. The paper presents research into the effectiveness of English language computer aided instruction in high schools. The research is based on a twelve-week long project carried out in ...

By Aida Tarabar, Senaid Fejzić

Bearing in mind last efforts of Arabian linguists directed towards numerous studies and papers for the purpose of a more correct understanding of linguistic uniqueness of the hamza consonant, especially on phonetically- phonological and orthographical level of words, as well as disagreement among modern and classical grammarians concerning evaluat...

By Mejra Softić

The closest meaning of the key word „mawla“, mentioned in the following hadith referring to Hazrat Ali: „If I am a person’s mawla then Ali is also his mawla” is familiarity and closeness. Several interpretations of this hadith (sebebul-vurūd) suggest exactly this meaning, and not the meaning of authority transfer and succession, as taught by the Is...

By Mina Valjevac, Mensur Valjevac

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
Functional linguistics developments

With regard to orientation and examining the functional values of linguistic elements the Prague School of Linguistics is known as the School of Functional Linguistics. Functional linguists derived their advanced theoretical postulates from the famous Kazan school that was founded by two eminent Polish citizens, Jan Baudouin de Courtenay and his di...

By Hazema Ništović

01.12.2009. Review paper Biochemistry

The paper presents the basic periods of the emergence and development of the Hadith science from the time of the Prophet to the end of its developing period. The paper points out and evaluates the period of the formation of the Hadith at the time of the Prophet s.a.v.s., the reasons of unsystematic noting of hadiths at the time of the Prophet s.a.v...

By Esmir Halilović

The male-female relationship constitutes an eternal enigma analysed in different ways throughout the history. The status of women through the ages has been significantly different from the status of men; the domestic domain of their home has been regarded as a female space, while the public life has been reserved for males. Women have been invisibl...

By Vildana Dubravac

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Versified tarihs on sacral objects of Bosnians

This paper presents interpretative systematization of inscriptions, known as tarih, on sacral objects of Bosnians. This is my humble contribution to the study of traditional literary values and their analysis related to the religious convictions they originate from. Beside thematic classification, we talk about messages and morals of tarihs, their ...

By Muris Bajramović

The goal of this research paper is examining the extent end way of spending free time of lower classes primary students, as well as to define the attitudes of teacher and parents towards students’ free time. This research had been done in Osnovna škola KŠC ¨Sveti Pavao¨ Zenica and Osnovna škola ¨Meša Selimović¨ Zenica in two fourth-grade classes ea...

By Refik Čatić, Ana Pavlović

Journal of University of Zenica