This paper presents a part of the theoretical and empirical research related to the topic of lifelong learning in the context of sustainable development. In order to contribute to the acceptance of the global concept of sustainability and its implementation in practice, in the theoretical part we define the term sustainable development, and we emphasize the importance of Agendas and legal acts, the importance of lifelong learning and education about sustainable development, the role of environmental education and the need for the creation of new curricula. In the empirical part, we present the research related to the examination and determination of students' attitudes towards the bearers of responsibility for sustainable development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Attitudes are examined and determined based on five answers offered in the survey questionnaire. The research included two faculties of the University of Bihać – Islamic Pedagogical Faculty (IPF) and Biotechnical Faculty (BTF). The research convenience sample consisted of 90 student respondents from all years of study (I-IV). In order to conduct the analysis, the methods of surveying, comparison and statistical processing of data by means of a χ2 chi-square test were used. Based on the examination and determination of all answers given by the IPF and BTF student respondents related to the bearers of responsibility for sustainable development, the research results showed that the respondents have a unique view that the responsibility for sustainable development in our country is borne by each individual.
Keywords: sustainable development, examination, determination, responsibility
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