The aim of this research was to determine whether organizational justice determines the level of resilience of academic staff as well as the institution, and whether different aspects of organizational justice are related to the resilience of academic staff and the higher education institution. The study included 206 participants, academics from various universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results imply the existence of a statistically significant correlation between organizational justice and the level of academic staff resilience. However, a hierarchical regression analysis showed that staff resilience is determined by distributive justice (β=0.252, t=3.708, p=000), while procedural justice (0.693) and interactive justice (0.848) are not significant predictors of academic staff resilience. The results also imply that there is a statistically significant relationship between organizational justice (distributive, interactive and procedural justice) and the resilience of the higher education institution (robustness, agility and integrity). In addition, the results of the hierarchical regression suggest that organizational resilience with its all three dimensions is determined by distributive justice as an organizational justice segment, while robustness as an organizational resilience segment is determined by procedural justice, which is not the case when other organizational justice segments are taken into account. The paper provides an overview of the obtained results with an emphasis on the importance of organizational justice and resilience.
Keywords: organizational justice, staff resilience, higher education institution resilience, academic staff.
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