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Review paper


Delila Ramić ,
Delila Ramić

The Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anela Hasanagić ,
Anela Hasanagić

Preschool Education, The Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

ََAmina Pehlić
ََAmina Pehlić

Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Editor: Nihad Čamdžić


The purpuse of this study was to exemine and describe the characteristics of phonological awareness of children 4, 5 and 6 years of age. The phonological awareness variable is operationalized through: rhyme recognition and production, sentence-to-word- decomposition, syllable decomposition and merging, and phonological decomposition and merging.

For the purpuse of the research, we used the second part of the Test for assessing the reading and writing skills „PredČiP test (Kuvač Kraljević i Lenček, 2012, according to Martinovic, 2016), which exemines phonological awareness. 90 children participated in the study (30 for each group – four, five and six years old).

The survay results indicate that the syllable merge tasks were the simplest for all three gropus of respondents and no statistically significant difference was found between them on this task. The expected results were achieved by four-year-olds on phonemic merging and phonemic decoding tasks, whish, due to developmental characteristics were not able to solve successfully. Both five-year-olds and six-year-olds were more successful at solving phonemic decoding tasks than phonemic merging.


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