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Review paper


Maida Burajić ,
Maida Burajić

The Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amina Pehlić
Amina Pehlić

The Islamic Pedagogical Faculty, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Editor: Nihad Čamdžić


The aim of this research was to explore the potential use of picture books for promoting speech and language development in children in kindergarten, based on insights from relevant scientific-theoretical sources and the perspectives of educators. The research is descriptive in nature. The methods used included theoretical analysis and descriptive methods, with the instrument being a questionnaire for educators regarding the use of picture books to promote speech and language development. The sample consisted of 50 educators from kindergartens in the Zenica-Doboj Canton.

The research findings indicated that educators who were more equipped to use picture books for promoting speech and language development (compared to those who were less equipped) believed that there were greater possibilities for using picture books in this way; they engaged more in professional development for promoting speech and language skills; their kindergartens were better equipped for this purpose; and they felt that picture books could be more effectively used to encourage speech and language development.

The results may serve as a foundation for creating an educational program aimed at developing educators' competencies for using picture books to promote children's speech and language development.


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