The inverted word order is a stylistic marker in Turkish language, indicating that inversion of sentence elements occurs in contextually and stylistically marked situations. This paper examines contextual situations where the inversion of components of the first genitive case is applied. The analysis is based on examples found in the novels Masumiyet Müzesi, Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık and Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın by Orhan Pamuk. The first part of paper discusses contextual situations where the attributive component of the first genitive case is transferred to a postposition relative to the nominal predicate. The second part of the paper analyzes examples where the attributive component of the first genitive case is transferred to the postposition relative to the verbal predicate. The primary objective of the paper is to analyze the grammatical and semantical features of inverted sentences in which the attributive component of the first genitive case is transferred to the final position in the sentence. Such analysis contributes to better understanding of contextual situations where the inversion of components of first genitive case occurs and provides a good foundation and starting point for further research on the inversion of sentence elements in Turkish language.
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