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Mensur Valjevac ,
Mensur Valjevac

Islamic Education, The Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Muamer Neimarlija
Muamer Neimarlija

Islamic Education, The Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Editor: Nihad Čamdžić


The development of the religious identity of the members of any community, including the Muslim one, is the subject of religiouspedagogical intentions and based on them the upbringing/educational activities of the responsible scientists of the referential religious community. When it comes to the Islamic community, the Holy Qur'an is the fundamental source of religious identity formation for all Muslims. The Revelation, namely, contains upbringing/educational elements and principles of a permanent character - universally valid and transferable in any time and any place. Since these elements and principles are universally and spatially transferable, certain interpretations of the Qur'anic text are also relevant for today's context. Therefore, the use of the achievements of traditional tafseer thought by religious teachers and imams, with the intention of building the religious identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Muslims, should be of exceptional religiouspedagogic significance. That is why the goal of this paper was to investigate the peculiarity and religious-pedagogical significance of the affirmation of traditional tafseer thought on the example of the professional achievements of Imam Abū Bakr al-Rāzi al-Jassās presented in the thematic work.

Viewed from a methodological perspective, the work belongs to the qualitative paradigm and the case study method and coding technique were applied (Popadić, Pavlović and Žeželj, 2018). The results of the research showed that the tafseer thought of Imam Abū Bakr al-Rāzi al-Jassās is characterized by the presence of religious-pedagogical elements and principles in the applicative sense essential for the development of the religious identity of Bosnian Muslims and that the adapted version of the referential book for the needs of the work of religious teachers and imams would have a significant role in cognitive development and formation of referential argumentation skills of religious teachers and imams and methodically facilitated and, in this way, accelerated the transfer of upbringing/educational content.


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