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01.12.2012. Review paper Biochemistry

The aim of the paper is to indicate the potential of social action in generating positive changes within a local community. The special significance of the social action lies in the processes of reconstructions of societies that survived traumatic experiences which resulted in the breaking of social connections and left a deep mark in their social ...

By Muharem Adilović

Having considered didactic and methodic work of Hamdija Mulić, we can say that he, with his thought and immediate teaching praxis, has modernized work in religion teaching. The religion teaching methodic should show us how to plan and execute curricula in a systematically founded and organized manner. This applies to the both: maktabs and regular s...

By Refik Čatić

Allah honored people with the Revelation and it is a great blessing for them. Reading the Qur'an by looking at it and memorizing it, as well as thinking about its meanings, are among the most valuable things that a religious person can do during life. The aim of this paper is to present hifz classes at Islamic faculties, madrasahs, and in student d...

By Maid Ibrahimović, Safet Husejnović

01.12.2015. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper deals with teaching management of different learning styles students use in the EFL classroom. It explores various types of learning styles and it provides directions that can help EFL teachers in better understanding of various learning preferences and in responding to different types of learners. Different types of learners are also tr...

By Vildana Dubravac, Lejla Žunić-Rizvić

The aim of the research was to define the relationship between personality dimensions based on the five-factor model (neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience) and love styles (eros, ludus, storge, mania, pragma and agape), i.e. to determine whether there is a connection between personality dimensions a...

By Almira Isić

The aim of the current paper is to compare the reception of the Qur’an and Hadith texts related to science in the classical and modern world of Islamic culture. For this purpose, we have made the reinterpretation of certain texts related to science, within the constituent sources of Islam, the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w.s., on the one ...

By Muamer Neimarlija

The emergence of Islamic art as a cultural and historical reality of Islam is linked to the Ummayads. The crowning work of Islamic culture of the Ummayad Period is one of the most interesting works of Islamic architecture in general - the Great Mosque in Damascus. This work marks the coming out of Islamic art from the phase of vacillation and a wav...

By Nusret Isanović

Proportions, intensity and diversity of dimensions of the current global crisis oblige every individual to contribute to determine its causes in accordance with his own intellectual engagement. This paper attempts to determine micro factors that influence initiation and orientation of human behaviour as a fundamental catalyst of the crisis. In that...

By Muamer Neimarlija

In this paper we presented the meaning of the word belā (بَلَى), different stances of the Arabic language authorities on its ambiguity as well as different opinions of experts in the field of Qira’at and Tafsir about the types of pausal forms on this word. We listed individual examples relying on the Qur’anic order and pointed out possible tafsir i...

By Mensur Malkić

In the grammatical structure of the Turkish language, the ablative case suffix can also in certain contexts express causation. Thus, causative adverbial phrases can be derived by adding the ablative case suffix to noun phrases formed during the process of nominalization by transforming the initial clauses with finite predicates, where the function ...

By Edina Solak, Mirza Bašić, Amina Hadžimejlić

Journal of University of Zenica