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01.12.2021. Review paper Biochemistry
Osobenosti kodifikacije hadiske predaje

In addition to presenting the classic hadith scholars’ work on protecting the hadith material from insertions and modifications as well as presenting the developmental stages of the hadith science, this paper aims to represent some specificities of the hadith narrations such as the shortest sened (sulasijjat) by which the narration reached the most...

By Salih Indžić

01.12.2003. Review paper Biochemistry
Expanted understanding of method in islamic education

The text discuses the notion of method in Islamic education.It offers broader understanding of the method based on the existence of implicational relation between decisions regarding method and content in the education. Scientific intervention in the area of content is represented through two complemental approaches. The first is from the position ...

By Edina Vejo

The aim of the research was to make a socio-pedagogical description of the minors’ causal attributions for their own delinquent behavior, based on the attitudes expressed by juvenile delinquents. Moreover, the aim was to reveal whether there is a statistically significant correlation between internal and external factors of delinquent behavior. A ...

By Izet Pehlić, Jakub Hasić, Suad Orlić

01.12.2015. Review paper Biochemistry

Rethinking the Act of Being has been a central issue for Islamic philosophers. They have considered that the Act of Being is God, that it is another name for God. Supporting the metaphysics of the Act of Being, or the metaphysics of Essence, the Islamic philosophers have identified the Act of Being with reality or on the other hand Essence with rea...

By Hasan DŽilo

Ethnopedagogical approach to prevention of social exclusion of youth implies research and using popular upbringing as a socio-historical phenomenon in structuring contemporary educational system. Popular pedagogy cannot be completely renewed, which is not necessary, so it should be merged with contemporary pedagogical thought. In addition to that, ...

By Adnan Tufekčić

Parenting styles refer to specific ways of parents’ behavior towards children including at least two dimensions, namely affectionateness in the relationship and control, which as such determine many characteristics of children’s personality encountered later on. What has remained undefined up to now is whether perfectionism is determined by inborn ...

By Anela Hasanagić, Aldina Leto

The question of the reason for the revelation of the Qur’an (ashab nuzul al-Qur’an) falls into exceptionally important questions in the science of tafseer, considering that the understanding of the reason for the revelation is an important condition for the proper understanding of the Qur’an. Moreover, there are Qur’anic texts which cannot be under...

By Safvet Halilović

Prikaz knjige: Mehmed Kico, Arapski jezik u prevođenju između Istoka i Zapada (El-Kalem, 2012)...

By Orhan Jašić

This paper deals with semantic intentions of the absolute object in the Qur’anic text. The aim is to establish frequent morphosyntactic patterns by which the absolute object is realized in the Qur'anic text, and then to offer a linguistic description of the role the absolute object plays in shaping the semantic dimension of the Qur'anic text, and b...

By Midhat Jugo

I want to make a contribution to understanding the relation between interreligious dialogue and Religious Education based on my own experience of teaching non-confessional Religious Education in Swedish schools, training teachers in Swedish universities for such Religious Education and sharing in Sweden dialogues, rejoicing and disappointment with ...

By Edgar Almen

Journal of University of Zenica