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This paper examines the issue of reforming the Shia Twelver doctrine with the aim of illuminating and analyzing the fundamental demands of the religious reformist currents within Shia scholarship through an analysis of the texts of the most prominent Shia religious reformers. The paper highlights significant critiques directed at the official Twelv...

By Nihad Čamdžić

The following piece of work thematizes in a very scientific way one of the great mainstream religious traditions, and, primarily, from the recourse of the interpretative/intellectual tradition of Islam (islām 'aqlī), which as such relies on the constitutive sources of faith. In etymological, i.e. terminological sense, it determines what is understo...

By Saudin Gobeljić

This paper explores the concept of happiness from the perspective of Islamic theology and tradition. In modern society, happiness is often perceived through the lens of material goods and individual rights, while Islamic tradition offers a deeper, spiritual framework for its understanding. The author analyzes the distinction between ancient and mod...

By Esmir Halilović

Qira’at, as a recited component of Qur'anic discourse, played a decisive role in the theoretical concretization of Sharia norms contained in the Qur'anic text. It also had a significant influence on the establishment of the methodological-legal principles by which these norms were derived. Although they differ in form, Qira'at are essentially...

By Safet Husejnović

The subject of this research was the environment from the Islamic green ecological perspective. The aim was to describe the environment from the Islamic green ecological perspective based on the insight into the Qur’an, Sunnah and traditional sources. Of the research methods, the method of theoretical analysis was used in the analysis of th...

By Nermin Tufekčić, Eniz Patković

19.12.2024. Professional paper

The application of Sharia legal norms requires effort and entails certain difficulties. When these difficulties exceed the usual and natural limits, there arises a need for facilitation. This paper defines the concept of need impacting Sharia legal norms, distinguishes between necessity and need, cites examples of accommodating need in Islamic lega...

By Hakija Kanurić

This paper examines the issue of contradictions between the clear (wāḍiḥ) meanings of the legislative text within the legal methodology (Uṣūlu-l-fiqh) of the Hanafi School of Law. The Hanafi School of Law categorized the clear meaning of the legislative text (wāḍiḥ) into four categories: ẓāhir, naṣṣ, mufassar and muḥkam. Through the examples, this ...

By Šukrija Ramić

This research examines the educational contributions of Muhamed Seid Serdarević within the framework of maktab morality. The goal was to analyze Serdarević’s educational work using available sources, with particular emphasis on his two published books: “Ta'limu tedžvid” and “Mektepski red”. The method of theoretical an...

By Safet Husejnović

The development of the religious identity of the members of any community, including the Muslim one, is the subject of religiouspedagogical intentions and based on them the upbringing/educational activities of the responsible scientists of the referential religious community. When it comes to the Islamic community, the Holy Qur'an is the fundamenta...

By Mensur Valjevac, Muamer Neimarlija

Touching on certain aspects and elements that make up civilisation and using relevant sources, the paper indicates that tasawwuf left a great impression on Islamic civilisation, and that it is an inevitable element among those elements that have shaped Islamic civilisation for centuries and contributed to it as we know it today. Economy, politics, ...

By Mensur Valjevac, Dženan Hasić

Journal of University of Zenica