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This paper investigates how successful B2 level English language learners (ELLs), high school students are in translating a group of most common false friends (FFs) from English to BCS and vice versa and examines whether they are more successful in translating absolute or partial FFs. In line with the classification by Otwinowska-Kasztelanic (2015...

By Edina Rizvić-Eminović, Melisa Bureković, Adnan Bujak

This paper attempts to elaborate on the Shafi’i school of law scholars’ theoretical interpretation of the acceptance of the opposite implicit meaning (mefhūmu-l- muhālefe) method in the ijtihad and the consequences of such interpretation on the derivation of legal regulations in that school. At the beginning of the paper, we briefly explain the dis...

By Šukrija Ramić

The Danish experience pertaining to the interreligious dialogue and Christian-Muslim relations is very peculiar. In recent decades it has been marked by extremely negative episodes and political exclusivity, but also by very significant and strong dialogue initiatives. The aim of this article is to illustrate the current situation and to offer an a...

By Safet Bektović

01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

The practice of accurate pronunciation of the Qur'anic harf, lengths, idgams, etc., is certainly a matter of skill in tilavet, and there is no skill without systematic work and practice. The practical, sound-related aspect of reciting the Qur'an is only one segment of Tajweed, i.e. its artistic dimension. However, when we say 'ilm et-tajweed', we r...

By DŽevad Šošić

Numerous research studies have shown that teaching profession is one of those most susceptible to stress. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are also some additional aggravating circumstances which might be considered stress factors among teachers, primarily a low socio-economic status and forced adaptation to systematic school changes. Moreover, tea...

By Anela Hasanagić, Almira Isić-Imamović, Muharem Adilović

As a basic element of grammatical predicate category, the nominal sentence predicate in literary arabic language is specified by important structural, morphological and syntactict features. These faetures result from traditional rules deep rooted in arabic syntax, according to them the arabic grammarians in their general sentence classification int...

By Mejra Softić

01.12.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
Classes appraoch to qira’at in Ibn Kesir’s tafsir

This paper discusses Ibn Kesir’s approach to Qira’at in Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Azim. In addition to the author’s biography in the introductory part, we emphasized the scientific significance of Ibn Kesir’s Tafsir, the status it has among classical tafsir works, as well as its presence in the local tradition of interpreting the Qur’an. In the main part...

By Dževad Šošić

The development of social competences represents an integrated part of an individual’s development and is important for the proper functioning within the society. The excessive focus of school on the students’ cognitive development more often leads to neglecting the development of students’ social competences, which are crucial to the students’ hea...

By Senada Fejzić

Being part of global culture, in conditions of general cultural diversity, stresses the importance of intercultural communication where one should be able to decode other people’s symbols. Multicultural features of society in whole are the starting point for redefining the role of teachers in our schools since teachers are becoming creators of new...

By Zijada Karalić

This paper examines the Hanafi scholars’ approach to the alluded meaning (isharat al-nass) of a legislative text, and the implications of such an approach for the legal norms the Hanafis derived through ijtihad. The first part of the paper discusses the issue of possible textual indications (al-dalalat) within a legislative text, and then the conce...

By Šukrija Ramić

Journal of University of Zenica