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01.12.2003. Review paper Biochemistry
Our school on the threshold of change

Our educational system has broken away from the socialist doctrine of upbringing, but it hasn’t been consistent in adoption of new ideas, nor has it integrated itself, in an organised manner into the European developments, which are geared towards learning for the 21st century. The dominant dimension of social development is global education as a g...

By Dževdeta Ajanović

01.12.2009. Review paper Biochemistry

Prikaz djela: Mehmed Kico, Ogledi u poetici prevođenja – u svjetlu iskustava o arapskome jeziku (El-Kalem – Fakultet islamskih nauka u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, 2009)...

By Mejra Softić

At the end of his Prophetic mission, the 10th year of hijrah, Allah's Prophet, Muhammad, saws, performed hajj. It was the only hajj performed by the noble Prophet, saws. Since he passed away returning to the Creator (“Ila al-Rafiq al-'Ala”) soon after the hajj, it is called the Farewell pilgrimage (hajj) of the Prophet, saws. The Prophet also held ...

By Esmir Halilović

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Israiliates and tafsir

The term israiliates is frequently mentioned in tafsir literature. Scientists relate the origin of israiliates to the early period of Islamic history, to the time of scholars, when some of them, searching for some extra knowledge and details from the narration about the Messengers and earlier peoples, turned to the words of the followers of the Ho...

By Safvet Halilović

The subject of interest in this paper is derived from the domain of the psychology of creativity. The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between the degree of verbal creativity and school achievement of young school-age students, so that on the basis of the obtained results we might provide some guidelines as well as attempt...

By Emina Talić-Hakanović

01.12.2013. Review paper Biochemistry

The identification as a belonging of a person to the territory, people, culture, religion becomes one’s authentic property, identity. National identity includes territorial and ethnic type. The basic integrating element is religion, the holder of ethnic values and the development of national consciousness. Bosniak nationality is determined by birth...

By Melisa Zukić

Repetition of the same lexical root in two or more words related to the syntactic level is the linguistic phenomenon known in oral and written Arabic language expression. The paper presents the nature of research of this phenomenon in the classical and modern Arabic linguistic thought. The research shows that the classics touched upon same-root syn...

By Mithat Jugo

This paper discusses the Shafi’i school of law scholars’ theoretical interpretation of the harmonious meaning (mefhūmu-l-muvāfeqa) and the consequences of such interpretation on the ijtihad in that school, with respect to their interpretation of implicit meaning of a legislative text (delāletu-l-mefhūm). At the beginning of the paper the purpose an...

By Šukrija Ramić

The interests and system of individual values is a special domain of human functioning which is mostly influenced by the closest social surrounding. Individuals regard different values with unequal importance and that way value hierarchy is formed. Due to cognitive development the value hierarchy is gradually changing during adolescence. Consideri...

By Izet Pehlić

Journal of University of Zenica