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Review paper

The Bosniacs and Bosnian language

Naila Valjevac
Naila Valjevac
Contact Naila Valjevac

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The paper discusses Bosniaks as territorially, historically, linguistically and civilizationally transparent and authentic people of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the place of Bosnian language in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina. It points out the significance of extralinguistic factors that shape Bosnian language and its speakers. The paper also highlights that psychic awareness on oneself, on its status, language, intelectual and material supremacy over others has determined and utterly marginalized the prime and most important function of a language – its communicational function. Language became a successful means of "national awareness awakening" and a key argument to prove "national rights" abuse. More than ever before the standard language in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in function of fulfilling national political goals of its followers. Thus, language prejudice becomes a basic "scientific" starting point and language or any other dispute becomes a planned and wished result of language discussions.


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