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Review paper

Combining traditional and rational methods in Handžić’s interpretation of Qur’an

Halil Mehtić
Halil Mehtić
Contact Halil Mehtić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Mehmed ef Handžić is considered to be one of the most prominent alims in the last century. Although he lived only 38 years (1906-1944) he wrote an imposing number of various works. He is one of the few, from the newer generation of Bosnian scholars that wrote original works in native language as well as in Arabic. He wrote works on Hadith, Aquida, usul-al fiqh and fiqh, history, history of literature and tafsir. His most valuable works in the field of tafsir are commentaries on ayats containing legal shari’ah regulations – ayatul-ahkam, surahs al-Bakare and an-Nisa’. He wrote his interpretations of the two surahs in Arabic language according to the classical tafsir works of this kind. In writing his commentaries he relied on traditional, rational, fiqh-based and linguistic tafsirs. Analyzing his tafsir works we ascertained that the methodology of his tafsir is based on eight principles that are imbued in the main principle of his interpretation of Qur’an. That principle is combining traditional and rational method. In this paper we focus on this method that is considered to be the most appropriate in commenting Allah’s words.


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