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Interpretation of Fatiha and its meaning in prayer

Halil Mehtić
Halil Mehtić
Contact Halil Mehtić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


El-Fatiha is considered to be the most chosen sura in Islam. The very fact that it is inevitably recited at any prayer and at any rak’a shows its significance and universality. The most beautiful form of gratitude to the Lord of worlds is expressed in it. Reciting it in a modest manner, we call our Creator with his Beautiful Names: Allāh, Rabb, Rahmān, Rahīm and Mālik. In fact, it is the most comprehensive form of a dialogue with Allah Almighty. It is a core of Qur’an and basis of Islamic learning. It is a divine appeal to people to unify their hearts and concentrate their aspirations towards one goal - honest devotion to Allah Almighty.


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