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Review paper


Safvet Halilović
Safvet Halilović
Contact Safvet Halilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The Noble Qur’an, as the primary source of Islam, speaks about a man (Arab, insan) in its numerous ayats. In fact, a man is the focal point of the Qur’an for everything that’s revealed in the Qur’an is revealed to a man and is about a man. A man, no matter what way we observe him, is the most complex category of existence in this phenomenal world. He is much superior to everything that all science could agree upon. That being a reason for a man’s remaining a big mystery despite the expansion of science and technology in all areas. Science that turned its back to religion that rises from the God’s Word and Revelation is incapable of defining a man. Consequently, to learn to know a man and the purpose of his existence in the world, it is necessary to know the things the Book of Revelation speaks about a man. In this paper, in the light of the analysis of Qur’anic texts dealing with the notion insan (a man) we consider the primary sources of the Qur’anic teaching about a man. Keywords: Kur'anic Anthropology, man


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