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Izet Pehlić ,
Izet Pehlić
Contact Izet Pehlić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,

Anela Hasanagić ,
Anela Hasanagić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,

Emina Grabus
Emina Grabus


The aim of this study was to validate the questionnaire of the quality of integration of a subject into the school curriculum. For this purpose, 200 teachers of Religious education and 200 teachers of other elementary school subjects were examined in a survey on the quality of integration of a subject into the school curriculum, and the content of the questionnaire was leaning against the implementation of the ISSA pedagogical standards in teaching process. The first version of the questionnaire of the quality of integration into the school curriculum was composed of nine subscales: Educational social context, Hidden curriculum as an indicator of the actual integration, Contribution of school subjects to the development of an integrated school curriculum, Frameworks for creating a subject curriculum as a basis for the integration into the school curriculum, Inter-subject correlation as a function of the integrated curriculum, Teamwork and inclusion in the function of the development of an integrated curriculum, Contribution of textbooks to the integration of curriculum, Assessment in order to develop excellence as the segment of evaluation of the implementation of the curriculum, and Contribution of the subject curriculum to the overall development of the student’s personality. The questionnaire consisted of a total of 118 items. The analysis of particles belonging to certain factors, in the results of the survey, lead to a restructure of the research questionnaire and the allocation of new factors which resulted in creating new 6 subscales: The contribution of a subject teacher to the development of an integrated school curriculum, Synergistic impact of school factors on the development of an integrated school curriculum, The focus of a subject curriculum on the personality development of students, The Quality of educational social context, Meeting the special needs of students and Integration quality of a textbook. The final version of the questionnaire consisted of 99 items. The results showed high reliability on the subscales individually and high reliability of the instrument in its entirety, because it showed that Cronbach alpha coefficient for the entire instrument is 0.958.


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