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Review paper


Naira Jusufović ,
Anela Hasanagić ,
Anela Hasanagić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,

Izet Pehlić
Izet Pehlić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


This paper was based on the fact that educators’ social communicative competences are insufficiently discussed in professional literature, and that there is no research instrument testing them. Therefore, the goal of this paper was to develop and then empirically validate the Scale for the Assessment of Educators’ Social Communicative Competences. The first version of the instrument consisted of the following subscales: Nonviolent Communication, Self-Awareness, Awareness of Others, Self-Management-Emotion Regulation, Self-Esteem, Nonviolent Conflict Resolution. The initial version of the scale contained 70 items. The instrument was applied to a sample of 243 respondents, educators from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, and psychometric validation was carried out, which included an item analysis, a factor analysis to check the validity and reliability of the measuring instrument. Eventually, an instrument consisting of 32 items was obtained. The following 6 factors were confirmed: Nonviolent Communication, Self-Awareness, Awareness of Others, Self-Management-Emotion Regulation, Self-esteem and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution. The reliability of all the subscales except for the Self-Awareness subscale was found to be satisfactory: Non-violent Communication (5 items; α=.697), Self-Awareness (6 items; α=.487), Awareness of Others (4 items; α=.804), Self-Management-Regulation of Emotions (5 items; α=.817), Self-Esteem (7 items; α=.701), Nonviolent Conflict Resolution (5 items; α=.771). It was concluded that the developed research instrument intended for the assessment of educators’ social communicative competences has satisfactory characteristics.


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