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Review paper


Emina Talić-Hakanović
Emina Talić-Hakanović
Contact Emina Talić-Hakanović

Privatna predškolska ustanova „Abakus“ Zenica,


The subject of interest in this paper is derived from the domain of the psychology of creativity. The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between the degree of verbal creativity and school achievement of young school-age students, so that on the basis of the obtained results we might provide some guidelines as well as attempt to affect the creation of conditions for the detection, identification and development of creativity in young school-age students within regular school programs, extracurricular activities and activities outside of school. As research methods we applied the following: a method of document analysis, a descriptive-analytic survey method, while a survey and testing were used as the research techniques. The research instruments used in the study were a Questionnaire on Social/Family Background and Students’ School Performance – (SFBSSP) and a Test of Verbal Creativity. The research sample consisted of 88 young school-age students attending the third, fourth and fifth grade of nine-year long primary school, their 88 parents and 6 teachers. The results indicated that there is a correlation between the degree of verbal creativity, i.e. the overall score obtained on the Test of Verbal Creativity, including the points for both fluency and originality, and overall students’ academic achievement, but the results implied that there is no statistically significant difference between the scored points for originality and school achievement. The following conclusion was drawn: the students with the most original ideas are not excellent students.


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