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The presence of arabisms in textbooks of islamic religious education for the eight grade

Ismet Burajić


The aim of the research is to determine the overall presence of Orientalisms in the textbook of Islamic religious education for the eight grade, as well as the most common context of their use, the exact number of Arabisms in the total corpus of marked Orientalisms, and the percentage of Arabisms in relation to marked Orientalisms. On the other hand, the questionnaire examines the relationship between eighth and ninth grade and Orientalisms in terms of identifying, understanding and application of Orientalisms in everyday communication. The method of theoretical analysis of the content is used where a complete textbook is explored, in which, counting each repeated lexemes, 4272 Orientalism are marked, of which 3678 are Arabisms, or 86.10%. Method of percentage analysis of questionnaires leads to results which show that respondents give a very high priority (69.31%) to use of Orientalisms in relation to the words of native origin, but also that a significant number of them are not recognized as Orientalisms. Descriptive method explains all tables showing the results, after which it can be concluded that Arabisms are the most dominant group among Orientalisms with an average occurrence of 27.45 words per a page of the textbook. Keywords: Arabisms, respondents, lexeme, Orientalisms, textbook of Islamic religious education


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