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Review paper

Tactics, measurement and determinants of self-presentation

Almira Isić-Imamović
Almira Isić-Imamović
Contact Almira Isić-Imamović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The paper aims to present the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics, the instruments for investigating and measuring the forms of self-presentation, as well as the determinants of self-presentation. The paper presents and describes the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics developed by Jones and Pittman (1982), Tedeschi (1981), Tedeschi, Lindskold and Rosenfeld (1985), Arkin (1981) and Schültz (1998). Moreover, eight instruments examining and measuring the forms of self-presentation in different social situations were introduced. We also presented numerous scholars’ results related to the determinants of self-presentation, which indicate that self-presentation behavior is determined by one’s personal characteristics (age, gender, level of self-esteem, self-perception, private and public self -awareness, and social anxiety), by the characteristics of tThe paper aims to present the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics, the instruments for investigating and measuring the forms of self-presentation, as well as the determinants of self-presentation. The paper presents and describes the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics developed by Jones and Pittman (1982), Tedeschi (1981), Tedeschi, Lindskold and Rosenfeld (1985), Arkin (1981) and Schültz (1998). Moreover, eight instruments examining and measuring the forms of self-presentation in different social situations were introduced. We also presented numerous scholars’ results related to the determinants of self-presentation, which indicate that self-presentation behavior is determined by one’s personal characteristics (age, gender, level of self-esteem, self-perception, private and public self -awareness, and social anxiety), by the characteristics of the interlocutor or audience to whom a person presents oneself (the social status of the audience, the gender of the audience, the level of familiarity with the audience, the level of dependence on the audience, and the prediction of future interaction with the audience), and by the characteristics of the social situation in which self-presentation takes place (prediction of the target value of impression, the importance of desired aims and balance between the real and desired public image of oneself). Keywords: self-presentation tactics, instruments for measuring the forms of self-presentation, self-presentation determinants. he interlocutor or audience to whom a person presents oneself (the social status of the audience, the gender of the audience, the level of familiarity with the audience, the level of dependence on the audience, and the prediction of future interaction with the audience), and by the characteristics of the social situation in which self-presentation takes place (prediction of the target value of impression, the importance of desired aims and balance between the real and desired public image of oneself). Keywords: self-presentation tactics, instruments for measuring the forms of self-presentation, self-presentation determinants.


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