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Characteristics of connecting hamza-wasla interpretations at the morphological word

Mejra Softić
Mejra Softić
Contact Mejra Softić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Connecting hamza-wasla is defined as a special type of a bound grammatical morpheme. Its primary function is conditioned by phonetically-phonological rules and is manifested through facilitating the pronunciation of a certain word when, to a certain extent, it has some function in formally-grammatical changes but not in the creating a new meaning. General lack of its individual morphological interpretations results in identifying connecting hamza with disconnecting one. It further implicates its orthographic variation and misunderstanding. Connecting hamza-wasla as an inflectional affix is a feature of certain types of verbs and their individual forms. For some nouns it is a formal compensation for elided third consonant, and its manifestation in definite article is also conditioned by the rules of Arabic syllable structure. Phonetic, and in some cases formal,elision of connecting hamza as a bound grammatical morpheme is specific in certain context, such as middle position.


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