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Review paper


Elma Begagić
Elma Begagić
Contact Elma Begagić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Global changes in social dynamics which have affected countries of the European Union in the last decades of the 20th century, have resulted in the need to study phenomena such as biographies, life flows and regimes of transition. Differentiated social structure, institutional frameworks, cultural values and political activities provide different regulations of the transition to adulthood. In this context, popular literature (Pohl / Walter, 2006) tackles regimes, and this te rm includes such constellations which form different structures such as education, labour market, and social security system whereby the problem of transition manifests as an individual or structural discrimination. The aim of the paper is to present various regimes of transitions to adulthood, since the comparison gives insight into the structural background of a life course.


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