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Almira Isić-Imamović ,
Almira Isić-Imamović
Contact Almira Isić-Imamović

Islamski pedagoški fakultet u Zenici,

Adis Elias Fejzić
Adis Elias Fejzić

Queensland College of Art – Griffith University (Brisbane, Australija),


The aim of the research was to investigate the psychological role and significance of artistic creative expression in older age through the personal experience of people who paint or mold as a hobby. Seven participants (six female and one male), aged 65-69, took part in the research. A qualitative research method, i.e. a semi-structured interview, was used to get a deep insight into the psychological role and significance of artistic creative expression in older age. Based on the qualitative analysis of the participants’ answers related to the psychological role and significance of artistic creative expression in older age, six subcategories were distinguished (artistic expression as an adaptive way of dealing with stressful life situations; the presence of pleasant emotions during art creation; creative potential development; motivation for learning and advancement in art, the improvement of the quality of social life, increasing self-confidence while being involved in art and teaching art techniques to others) which indicate that artistic expression in older age contributes to the development of emotional stability, creative potential, maintenance of cognitive functions (learning, memory, thinking and attention), prevention of cognitive impairment, improving the quality of social life and increasing the self-confidence of the elderly.


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