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The significance of social preception in the building of interpersonal relations in the community

Amel Alić


The familiarity with the problem of social perception ought to be an integral part of individual work with every individual – without which one cannot except success on the level of an individual who is confronting his/her own self, raising the level of correction, learning from earlier experiences or correcting false beliefs. The ability of adequate social perception gains in its meaning in the field of work, of not only the teachers, but also the imams and those who watch over the jam’ats, but also all the members of any community, so that no member of a jama’t on any level is exempt from the duty of ‘practising’ this quality. All the more so because of the fact that numerous Qur’anic verses and hadith direct our attention to the necessity of building adequate relations in the community, and as we have seen, it is difficult to expect such relations without quality and adequate social perception of all the participants. To put it very briefly: to what degree is each and everyone of us capable of objectively perceiving him/herself, but also his/her own self in relation to others, to such an extent so that such individual qualities will be passed on to the entire community. Key words: perception, social perception, perception errors, differentiative perception, autoperception.


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