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Hasan DŽilo
Hasan DŽilo
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Fakultet islamskih nauka u Skoplju,


Rethinking the Act of Being has been a central issue for Islamic philosophers. They have considered that the Act of Being is God, that it is another name for God. Supporting the metaphysics of the Act of Being, or the metaphysics of Essence, the Islamic philosophers have identified the Act of Being with reality or on the other hand Essence with reality. They have been talking about the truth above all truths, about Essence above all essence, about the Act of Being, emphasizing God’s absoluteness and transcendence in all respects. Al-Kindi started this discussion in Islamic philosophy, and it was later deepened in the studies by Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Mulla Sandra Shirazi, whose metaphysics branched out depending on the approach to this thematic issue. However, the metaphysics of the Act of Being prevails, especially in the views presented by Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd and Mulla Sandra Shirazi.


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