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Review paper


Elma Dedović-Atilla ,
Elma Dedović-Atilla
Contact Elma Dedović-Atilla

International Burch University Sarajevo,

Vildana Dubravac
Vildana Dubravac

International Burch University Sarajevo,


Today we witness that English has already virtually taken one of the crucial roles on the global stage. Therefore, this paper´s goal is to explore the change that the English Language use has undergone in today´s globalized world that has led to the birth of a new construct in the field of English Language conceptualization, namely English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). In order to achieve this, the paper is organized in several sections covering the following topics: the spread of English throughout the world; a short overview of divergent stances and conceptions of English as a world language; introduction of ELF concept and pinpointing the line of distinction between the concepts of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). The paper accentuates the need for the reconstruction of the places and roles that EFL and ELF assume in present-day linguistic reality, together with the need to raise the awareness about the differences between the two and their implications in English Language Teaching (ELT).


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