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Nezir Halilović
Nezir Halilović


Dizzing changes characterize our everyday life. Although it may seem that changes are general in the formal organization of schooling system, they are not as noticable as in other life segments. Nevertheless, they directly affect schools and their key factors: children – teachers – curricula – parents. As a result, there is the issue of the need of programming educational process and its quality. The programming is a contemporary-life demand, and the quality of approach to the issue under contemporary contitions is one of gradable indicators of the quality of educational process. Today, everything is being programmed. So both external evaluation and internal self-evaluation become the object of programming. The connection between self-evaluation and quality is direct, and the programming of self-evaluation is the ultimate range in the gravity of the approach to that important issue. Since programming represents imaginary concretization of actions and contents, and self-evaluation reprezents general reexamination of concrete activities, there was an issue of researching the facts and beginning point of self-evaluating approach. On this basis, I did the research in my educational practice in a class I have been teaching for five years. I did the research in attitudes of the students and parents according ot standardized questionnaires. The results showed that our perception of certain things and the perception determined through the research is not the same, and with some questions there is an important digression between our perception and the attitudes of our interlocutors we directly communicate with and we are closely educationally corretated with. The research results proved the necessity for the programming of self-evaluation especially in terms of educational practice at school. Key words: evaluation, self-evaluation, programming, planning, program, plan, changes, school


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