Under the contemporary conditions of postindustrial society, the most important issue of a manager success is reflected through his lidership characteristics. Contemporary managers should be able to balance between their formal and real authority, between rational and emotional inteligence, or between manager and leadership characteristics. According to a traditional concept, the quality of leadership is connected to certain components such as inteligence, compactness, definiteness and visionariness. This is, by all means, a necessary condition for a successful leader, but these days it is not enough for a certain successful leader. Under the contemporary conditions of work and business, true effective leaders are identified according to high quotient of emotional inteligence that includes self-consciousness, self-control, motivation, empathy and social skills, that is, interpersonal skills in working with people. These characteristics may be seen as loose ones, or as variables not suitable to business organizational aspect. Nevertheless, a direct correlation can be established between emotional inteligence and gradable business results of every individual and an organization as a whole. That is why emotional inteligence is getting relevant for managing different kinds of organizations, and this fact triggers continuous discussions and makes a platform for new research.
Key words: power and influence, formal and real authority, emotional inteligence, empathy
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