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Refleksija stavova nastavnika o učenju i poučavanju na stavove o odgoju i obrazovanju za ekološki održivi razvoj

Nermin Tufekčić ,
Nermin Tufekčić
Contact Nermin Tufekčić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,

Mirsada Bulut-Huseljić
Mirsada Bulut-Huseljić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The aim of this paper was to find out whether teachers' attitudes about learning and teaching will be reflected in the attitudes about education for ecologically sustainable development. In terms of research methods, a method of theoretical analysis and a descriptive-analytical survey method were used, while survey was used as a research technique. The following research instruments were used: The Questionnaire on Teachers’ Attitudes about Learning and Teaching (Suzić, 2005: 928–929) and the Questionnaire on Teachers’ Attitudes about Education for Sustainable Development, created for the purposes of this research. The research sample consisted of 120 elementary school teachers and 120 high school teachers. The results of the research on attitudes about learning and teaching showed that elementary school teachers achieve a statistically significantly higher average score than high school teachers on the subscales of Motivation, Attitudes about the Current State and Involvement in Changes, while there were no statistically significant differences in Attitudes about Commitment to Changes. Furthermore, the results indicated that acting in accordance with education for sustainable development is not statistically significantly related to attitudes about learning and teaching, but that positive attitudes about learning and teaching reflect positively in the nature, contents and skills of education for ecologically sustainable development.


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