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Anela Hasanagić ,
Anela Hasanagić
Contact Anela Hasanagić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,

Cemile Busra Ogulmus
Cemile Busra Ogulmus

Internacionalni univerzitet u Sarajevu,


Procrastination and anxiety are phenomena that are associated with the lives of many people, especially students. It is quite logical to assume that students, who procrastinate, have a higher degree of anxiety. The aim of this study was to examine whether procrastination and anxiety were related variables, as well as to determine whether there were differences in the intensity of these two variables between students of private and state universities, to examine whether there were differences between male and female students, and whether the success of the study and procrastination and anxiety were related. The instruments used were Scale of procrastination and Anxiety scale, and the sample was made out of 185 students. Results showed that procrastination and anxiety were negatively correlated variables, then that there were differences between students of private and state universities in procrastination, in the sense that students of private universities procrastinated more. Also, male students procrastinated more than female students, and at the end, procrastination was negatively correlated with grade point average (GPA) as a criterion of academic success.


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