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Recent neuroscientific flows initiated the emergence of modern conceptions of teaching, such as unconscious learning, suggestopedia and neuro-linguistic programming. A common feature of these concepts is the recognition of physiological principles of the human brain, which primarily involve emotional adaptation of teaching which provides a stimula...

By Muamer Neimarlija

A few Quranic verses implicitly prohibit uncertainty in contracts, while hadith texts explicitly prohibit it. The analysis of primary sources of Islamic law and the views of eminent scholars show that uncertainty in contracts is tolerated in situations where there is a need for the contract and where the potential harm from the risks and uncertaint...

By Hakija Kanurić

Language learning beliefs create a considerable impact on the students' behavior, and thus greately affect the final learning outcome. Therefore, there exists a compeling need to explore learners' beliefs, and in particular to specify the stances of those more successful learners, to provide accordingly a better learning envoronment for all student...

By Esma Latić, Vildana Dubravac

01.12.2014. Review paper Biochemistry

Within the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics and the theory of conceptual metaphor, this work analyses a certain number of idioms based on the same metaphor, suggesting that certain processes of world conceptualization and experience are still common for most speakers of one language, or that those processes are common for most members...

By Mersina Šehić, Feđa Imamović

Regarding geographic position, natural and human resources and their general correlation in social processes, Sarajevo- Zenica region is the central territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such geographic position makes it the core of Bosnian- Herzegovinian geographic area. This region controls considerable reserves of coal, forests, hydro-electric po...

By Džemal Najetović

The paper is based on the idea that speech and language development of preschool children represents a precondition for the overall child development as well as a significant determinant of successful schooling. The aim of the paper was to develop a questionnaire on the use of speech games to stimulate children’s speech and language development and...

By Delila Ramić, Amina Odobašić, Amina Pehlić

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Philosophi of language in Al-Faraby’s work

Studying Al-Faraby’s work, with an accent on his contribution to the methodology of language study, we came to the conclusion that he persistently tried to bring closer language and logic. Committed to setting a scientific system and research method which would be based on the reason and argumentation, he significantly rose above his time heavy wit...

By Mehmed Kico

This paper discusses the theoretical construct of social climate in prison within penal institutions whose significance was emphasised by R. H. Moos in many of his works. The social climate of a penal institution is defined as the totality of mutual relations between prisoners and as their relationship to the institution, taking into account the im...

By Alisabri Šabani

Although Sayyid Jamaluddin al-Afghani (1254 1314/1838 1897) hadn’t written his own tafseer, with his works and association with others he had greatly influenced the mufassirs, whose interpretation of the Qur’an had, in many ways, marked the 14th according to hijra / 20th century. Namely, those mufassir, in the first place, include Shaikh Muhammad A...

By Mensur Valjevac

Ḥasan ibn Muṣṭafā al-Būsnawī al-Madanī, Hasan Bošnjak, was born in Medina in the last decade of the 12th century AH, and he wrote in the first half of the 13th century (the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century). With regards to the year of Hasan Bošnjak’s death, we might assume that he died in the mid-13th century AH. Analyzing hi...

By Semir Rebronja

Journal of University of Zenica