The closest meaning of the key word „mawla“, mentioned in the following hadith referring to Hazrat Ali: „If I am a person’s mawla then Ali is also his mawla” is familiarity and closeness. Several interpretations of this hadith (sebebul-vurūd) suggest exactly this meaning, and not the meaning of authority transfer and succession, as taught by the Islamic group of the Shi’ites. There are no authentic narrations indicating that the Prophet of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, appointed his successor who would run the country.
Es-Sujuti DŽ. Povijest halifa.
A.B S. Muhammed - mir i blagoslovi Božiji njemu i njegovim – Život njegov osnovan na vrelima najstarijim.
B.S N. Odsjaji.
Muftić T. Arapsko-bosanski riječnik.
Ibnul-Esir. En-Nihajetu fi garibil-hadis vel-eseri.
Hišam I. Poslanikov životopis.
Hibban M. Sahihu Ibni Hibban. Bejrut: Muessesetur-risale. :15 41.
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