The subject of this paper is the stylistic potential of the absolute object in the text of the Qur’an. Besides reference to the basic theoretical definition of the absolute object in Arabic grammar and Arabic stylistics, the paper researches the discipline of ornaments, 'ilm al-badī', and based on the Qur’anic text tries to identify frequent stylistic figures realized by the constructions of the absolute object and its regent. The research showed that constructions with the same root are a significant syntactic framework within which numerous stylistic figures are realized in the Qur’an. Paronomasia of derivation, rhyming prose, parallelism, antithesis, and symmetrical antithesis are some of the stylistic figures which in the form of the absolute object and its regent shape the text of the Qur’an and determine it stylistically.
In addition to stylistic marking, the same-root repetition of the word root in the absolute object and its regent represents an important linguistic means in connecting the Qur’anic text. The sound uniformity and echo that develops and resonates through the interpretation of these constructions is closely related to the meaning, affects the recipients’ hearing and mind and performs an argumentative function.
Ključne riječi: Arabic language, absolute object, the Qur'an, stylistic figures, paronomasia, derivation, rhyming prose, parallelism, antithesis.
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