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A contribution to the study of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections in Dîvânü lügâti't-türk and modern turkish language

Edina Solak ,
Edina Solak
Contact Edina Solak

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici

Mirza Bašić
Mirza Bašić

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici


This paper analyzes morphological and semantic characteristics of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections in the philological encyclopedia Dîvânü Lügâti’t-Türk by Mahmud al-Kashgari. The analysis of grammatical and semantic structures of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections is based on an analytical and descriptive research method and a contrastive method. The analytical and descriptive research method describes grammatical characteristics of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections, while the contrastive analysis compares the grammatical and semantic structures of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections found in Dîvânü Lügâti’t-Türk to semantically similar lexemes or syntactic structures in the modern Turkish and Bosnian language. The results obtained from the analysis should contribute to better knowledge and understanding of grammatical and semantic structures of the Turkish language from a diachronic perspective, primarily because the analysis is based on concrete contextual examples from this philological encyclopedia containing all grammatical and semantical characteristics of Turkic languages in the 11th century. Actually, an analysis like this should contribute to better understanding of morphological and semantic characteristics of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections in the Turkish language and their semantic equivalents in the Bosnian language. The results obtained from the analysis can serve as a good foundation and a good starting point for further research of grammatical and semantic structure of Turkish from a diachronic perspective. The fundamental sources used for the analysis are the first and the third volume of the translation of Dîvânü Lügâti’t-Türk prepared by Besim Atalay. All concepts with a gender significance and gender characteristic mentioned in this paper encompass both male and female gender regardless whether they are stated in the male of female gender. All presented translations into Bosnian were made by the authors of the present study. Ključne riječi: postpositions, conjunctions, interjections, Dîvânü Lügâti’t-Türk, diachronic perspective.


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