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01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

Abstract The paper presents a case study – speech "errors", neologisms were recorded during the longitudinal monitoring of a child's speech, i.e. regular speech and language development from the third to the sixth year of life. The previously published work using the material collected during the same longitudinal monitoring analyzed "errors" in th...

By Amina Pehlić

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) drew the attention of Catholics to human dignity of non-Christian believers who have right to their religious identity. After the Council Popes Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI established and supported the Pontifical Council for Interreligious dialogue with the task to study other religions as they perc...

By Mato Zovkić

The term “Ahl As-Sunnah” has two meanings, general and particular. In its general meaning this term designates Muslims who are not Shī'ites and all sects that are attributed to Islam except for Shī'ites. On this basis Muslims in the world are divided into Sunnites and Shī'ites. In its particular meaning this term designates Sunna followers i.e. th...

By Zuhdija Adilović

There are some differences in understanding the terms: upbringing example/role model/ideal. An upbringing example points at other people's success. He provides a basis for practical work. An upbringing role model is a person who puts into practice things he suggests to other people. Practice leads to positive results and success. A role model is ba...

By Melisa Zukić

Academic motivation implies an internal process that initiates and maintains activities aimed at reaching certain academic goals. The objective of this research was to explore the psychometric characteristics of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). The sample comprised 157 participants, high school students in the Sarajevo Canton. An item analysis ...

By Anela Hasanagić, Nina Bosankić

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

Mehmed ef. Handžić, (1906-1944) was a prominent Bosnian scholar with an imposing opus in different fields. The uniqueness of his works lies in the fact that he was the only one, in modern history of Bosnian Muslims, to interpret the Holy Qur’an in Arabic, and to treat the ayats with sharia background (ajatul-ahkam). His important interpretations ar...

By Halil Mehtić

01.12.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
The function of pause symbols in mushafs

In our homeland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are different versions of Mushaf characterized by certain differences in the use of orthographic, tajweed as well as pause signs and symbols, i.e., diacritical marks. In this paper we will present the meaning and function of pause symbols in the Mushafs of the Medinan and Istanbul orthographic version...

By Mensur Malkić

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper discusses the genesis of the idea of social isolation and the author considers that mass poverty is the key potential for starting social isolation. The universe of poverty variable does not end only with the beginning of social isolation, but it also has some other implications like social reforms failure, small social capital, and low ...

By Šabani Alisabri

Educational approach known as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become one of the most popular approaches in foreign language teaching, especially in countries with developed educational systems. One of its main aims is to help learners develop thinking skills through their simultaneous studying of the foreign language and the con...

By Aida Tarabar, Vildana Neslanović

01.12.2005. Review paper Biochemistry
Life-long study on sports

The theme of this paper is life-long study on sports. It is a research paper and its aim is to examine if there is statistically important difference in examinees’ attitudes regarding the way sport influences life, the reasons for enrolling the Trainer Academy, expectations, education quality and the ways of permanent improving. Another aim of the ...

By Refik Čatić

Journal of University of Zenica