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The subject of this research was an investigation of critical thinking development in the classes of Islamic Religious Education. The aim of the research was to find out whether there is a statistically significant difference in the quality of school life, school climate and students’ participation in class activities between traditional classes an...

By Izet Pehlić, Maida Mahmutović

The topic of this paper is the linguistic phenomenon of negation with empasis on English non-verbal negation and its Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian translational equivalents (henceforth, BCS). In this paper theanalysis of negation is developed against the background of the Principles and Parameters framework, more specifically the more recent Minimalist...

By Melisa Bureković

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

In the last few centuries, European colonialism replaced, neutralized, and minimized local political, social, economic, legal, and educational institutions in the Muslim world, and thus it, undoubtedly, became a chalenge for Islamic religion and culture. Exactly this new state produced reformers who tried to insure an Islamic basis for educationa...

By Šefik Kurdić

Qur'an was announced in an environment which well understood the language in which it was given. The first interpreter of Qur'an was personally Allah’s Prophet, p.b.u.h. Considering the standpoint that dealing with tafsīr is within the category of duties which are fard al-kifaya (there is a consensus of Islamic scholars on this), each generation ...

By Safvet Halilović

This paper was based on the fact that educators’ social communicative competences are insufficiently discussed in professional literature, and that there is no research instrument testing them. Therefore, the goal of this paper was to develop and then empirically validate the Scale for the Assessment of Educators’ Social Communicative Competences. ...

By Naira Jusufović, Anela Hasanagić, Izet Pehlić

Recent researches show that age-mates are an important agent, not only for personality socializing but also for personality development in general. Age-mate relations are unique because they are characterized by equality (that we cannot find in a parent-child or a teacher-child relation) and reciprocity (an individual is influenced by its age-mates...

By Anela Hasanagić

This paper discusses the Shafi’i school of law scholars’ theoretical interpretation of the harmonious meaning (mefhūmu-l-muvāfeqa) and the consequences of such interpretation on the ijtihad in that school, with respect to their interpretation of implicit meaning of a legislative text (delāletu-l-mefhūm). At the beginning of the paper the purpose an...

By Šukrija Ramić

The interests and system of individual values is a special domain of human functioning which is mostly influenced by the closest social surrounding. Individuals regard different values with unequal importance and that way value hierarchy is formed. Due to cognitive development the value hierarchy is gradually changing during adolescence. Consideri...

By Izet Pehlić

01.12.2017. Review paper Biochemistry

Qira'ats present a very significant study of the Qur'an in terms of understanding and interpreting the Qur'anic text. They are not only exotic styles of voice variations and modulation, but an integral part of the language of the Qur'an, its lexical, morphological and syntactic structure. Understanding that aspect is a prerequisite for a correct in...

By Safet Husejnović

Journal of University of Zenica