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01.12.2019. Review paper Biochemistry

The status of qira'ats in relation to the integral Qur'anic text has been the subject of disagreement among Islamic scholars. Some have identified qira'ats with the Qur'an, some have made a distinction between these two terms, whereas some have seen in them the relationship between a part and the whole. Various views on the emergence and role of qi...

By Dževdet Šošić

The results of scientific research show the following: everyone who was in Sarajevo during the siege (1992–1995) has certain consequences (with moderate symptoms that are controlled), a small number of people have some manifestations of the disease, but unfortunately, there are those who have a complicated form of PTSD. On the other hand, those who...

By Zemir Sinanović

Ebu Hanife, Malik, Shafiya and Ahmad are the leading spirits of Islamic thought. Their reasoning in the domain of Shari’ah made them the unavoidable sources for all generations of Muslims throughout history. The most obvious proof for that is the four great law schools that have endured the time and that had been founded and defined by these four g...

By Šefik Kurdić

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
The game of virtual identities

One of the valid definitions of bio-ethics as integrating biological knowledge with ¨the knowledge about human value systems¨(Van Rensselaer Potter) necessarily refers to a great task confronting this recent science. Accordingly, reflections upon a man-Internet relation seen as a new community and net-ethics meaning searching for ¨conscience¨ of vi...

By Spahija Kozlić

The aim of this paper is to explore mental health challenges (operationally defined primarily through the DASS questionnaire – depression, anxiety and stress), but also the social aspect of individual stability due to the pandemic among educators in Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into account the fact that kindergartens did not work, that some educ...

By Muharem Adilović, Amina Odobašić, Aldina Leto

01.12.2002. Review paper Biochemistry
The Bosniacs and Bosnian language

The paper discusses Bosniaks as territorially, historically, linguistically and civilizationally transparent and authentic people of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the place of Bosnian language in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina. It points out the significance of extralinguistic factors that shape Bosnian language and its speakers. The pape...

By Naila Valjevac

In contrast to the traditional patocentric practice of treating psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, in the modern mental health concept a bio-psycho-social approach is emphasized, being characterized as comprehensive, integrative and above all humane. Psychosocial counseling of schizophrenic patients as a necessary form of intervention occ...

By Elma Begagić, Inela Šehić-Torlaković, Almira Isić-Imamović

One of the most significant figures of Bosniak cultural and literary revival during the period of Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia was certainly Safvet-beg Bašagić. With an exceptionally wide range of occupations and diverse activities in the field of culture and social and political activity in general, he enormously contributed to the affirmation ...

By Ibnel Ramić, Ikbal Smajlović

01.12.2007. Review paper Biochemistry

The Ka’ba in Mekah and the Prophet’s house in Maddinah are the archetypes of Islamic architecture. They are situated in, for Muslims, most sacred places (al-haramayn). The Ka’ba represents the beginning and the Prophet’s mosque the end of forming a fundamental cultural matrix, or in other words macroparadigm, of the People of the Book as a basis fo...

By Nusret Isanović

01.12.2015. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper is devoted to the process of translation and some of its aspects, such as the key factors involved in the process as well as its different dimensions and perspectives. When translating, the preference is usually given to only one of the factors involved in the translation process, which eventually determines the mode of translation as we...

By Amrudin Hajrić

Journal of University of Zenica