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01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
Functional linguistics developments

With regard to orientation and examining the functional values of linguistic elements the Prague School of Linguistics is known as the School of Functional Linguistics. Functional linguists derived their advanced theoretical postulates from the famous Kazan school that was founded by two eminent Polish citizens, Jan Baudouin de Courtenay and his di...

By Hazema Ništović

01.12.2009. Review paper Biochemistry

The paper presents the basic periods of the emergence and development of the Hadith science from the time of the Prophet to the end of its developing period. The paper points out and evaluates the period of the formation of the Hadith at the time of the Prophet s.a.v.s., the reasons of unsystematic noting of hadiths at the time of the Prophet s.a.v...

By Esmir Halilović

The male-female relationship constitutes an eternal enigma analysed in different ways throughout the history. The status of women through the ages has been significantly different from the status of men; the domestic domain of their home has been regarded as a female space, while the public life has been reserved for males. Women have been invisibl...

By Vildana Dubravac

01.12.2022. Review paper Biochemistry
Miswak: from tradition to paradigm

This review paper explores the use of miswak, a teeth-cleaning twig made from the Salvadora persica plant, in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing oral diseases. Various aspects of miswak are analyzed, including its historical significance, chemical composition, pharmacological characteristics, and beneficial effects on oral health. The paper al...

By Edin Selimović, Emir Begagić, Hakija Bečulić, Muharem Adilović

The subject of this paper is the stylistic potential of the absolute object in the text of the Qur’an. Besides reference to the basic theoretical definition of the absolute object in Arabic grammar and Arabic stylistics, the paper researches the discipline of ornaments, 'ilm al-badī', and based on the Qur’anic text tries to identify frequent stylis...

By Midhat Jugo, Amrudin Hajrić

Subjective factors have great significance for introducing inclusion into schools. The hypothesis of this paper is that teachers’ attitudes can have great impact on the realisation of inclusive education since they are the main bearers of upbringing and educational process, and of admitting children with special needs in regular classes. The aim o...

By Šaćira Mešalić, Izet Pehlić, Muharem Adilović

01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

The Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic law. General and special sharia norms are derived from its text. This aspect of the Qur'an has been the subject of interest of numerous Islamic scholars in the context of interpreting the normative ayahs - ajatu'l-ahkam. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is prescribed by the Qur'an and the ...

After the Prophets death, Muslims kept their community compact until the period of Ebu Bekr and Omer. After the assassination of khalif Osman, confrontations and bloodsheds started among Muslims. The unhappy events undermined the strong khalif authority and Islam and Muslims faced a serious situation and temptation. Different opinions about the iss...

By Amel Sarajlić

Our postmodern era is characterized by the ending of a University and disappearance of the idea of higher education. The awareness of the ending of a University should contain a clear image of its beginning. But that is not the case. Even after so much time, there are still opacities regarding the origin, forming and growth of the idea of a Univers...

By Nusret Isanović

During WWII the German fascists committed genocide against the non-Germanic peoples, especially the Jews. Many innocent people were expelled from their homes, physically and psychologically tortured, and a great number of them were hanged or burned alive. During the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina a far more atrocious genocide was committed ag...

By Ismet Dizdarević

Journal of University of Zenica