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Safvet Halilović
Safvet Halilović

Islamski pedagoški fakultet u Zenici


Ever since the advent of Islam in these areas Bosniak Muslims have been members of the main stream of Islam (ar. Ehlu-s-sunne ve-l-jama, bos. Ehli-sunna) and when it comes to religious partial fiikh (ritual) matters they have followed one of the oldest mezhep (law schools) that originated in Islam, the hanefi mezhep. Thus, for almost six centuries, Bosniaks, as indigenous European Muslims, have had their own religious tradition, which, despite going through different, often very difficult stages (wars, exile, occupation, dictatorial regimes, isolation from the Muslim world, etc.), has managed to maintain a high degree of originality and foundation in the primary sources of Islam, the Qur'an, and the Sunnah (practice) of the Prophet Muhammad, a.s. The Islamic tradition of Bosniaks is, in fact, considerable experience accumulating over a long period of time which helps the Muslims of this region to survive and preserve their religious identity despite the harsh environment and all kinds of hardship they have been exposed to. Bosniaks, as indigenous European Muslims, have one advantage over other Muslim nations: they do not view modern civilization from the side, or from afar, but live in its very center and feel fully its impulses and its nature. This means that they feel its strengths and weaknesses, but also their needs better than others. At the same time, they inherit Islam, preserve and nurture it as a treasure and study it with love and loyalty in their hearts. They have never departed from its mainstream practice, turned it into a sect, or ideologized it. Also, they have withstood the challenge of extremism, radicalization and intolerance of the other and the different. On the contrary, other religions and worldviews have always been respected within their religious tradition. This was especially demonstrated towards the followers of Christianity, both Roman Catholic and Orthodox, with whom they have always cherished good neighborly relations and treated their religion, holidays and customs with utmost respect. Bosniaks have also had a good relationship with Jewish community members. It is well known that during the Spanish Reconquista when together with Muslims Jews were expelled from their centuries-old hearths in the Iberian Peninsula, a considerable number of them found refuge and protection in the areas where Bosniaks lived. The tolerance of Bosniaks towards others and different ones was especially demonstrated during the aggression in Bosnia and Herzegovina, when genocide was committed against Bosniaks and when over nine hundred mosques, a several hundred mactabs and other sacral objects were destroyed and devastated; even in such cruel conditions Bosniaks did not resort to retribution and did not demolish and desecrate others' places of worship and sanctities, which provides solid evidence of their high tolerance, respect for other religions and their readiness for peaceful coexistence. Bearing the aforementioned in mind, it is evident that the Islamic tradition of Bosniaks not only has its legitimacy, but is also a kind of Muslim response to the contemporary challenges; the Muslim response from the "epicenter" of modern civilization; a credible answer, needed both in the East and in the West, by Muslims and non-Muslims. This paper discusses the Islamic tradition of Bosniaks as an example of tolerance, dialogue and peaceful coexistence among members of different religions and worldviews.


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