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01.12.2007. Review paper Biochemistry

The Noble Qur’an, as the primary source of Islam, speaks about a man (Arab, insan) in its numerous ayats. In fact, a man is the focal point of the Qur’an for everything that’s revealed in the Qur’an is revealed to a man and is about a man. A man, no matter what way we observe him, is the most complex category of existence in this phenomenal world. ...

By Safvet Halilović

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
The role of school in preventing adolescent delinquency

Adolescent delinquency is an increasing problem in all societies. The United Nations recognized this problem as an emergency and in order to prevent this phenomenon they adopted Guidelines for Preventing Adolescent Delinquency in 1990, better known as Rijjad Guidelines. The Guidelines consist of measures for primary, secondary and tertiary preven...

By Suada Buljubašić

Derviš ef. Spahić occupies a special place among Islamic scholars in our region. It is said that great nations have institutions and small – great individuals who ensure the continuation of their nation by their extraordinary sacrifice. This outstanding scholar held speeches, wrote, read and studied, in particular the Qur’an and hadith. He organize...

By Safet Husejnović

In order to light up certain micropedagogical relations in this paper, we try to look at education through the prism of the peculiarities of interaction of essential factors of the educational process - educator and educatee. In doing so, the focus of our interest is on the explanation of educator’s obligations arising from the legality of interper...

By Muamer Neimarlija

01.12.2005. Review paper Biochemistry
French words in the english language

In this article the author describes the influence of the French language on the English language and the influx of French words through the centuries. The author further classifies the French loanwords according to the different branches of social activities. Some words are explained in more detail in order to show their relation to the original F...

By Emina Mandra

Domination of Western Civilization globally presents a great problem for small nations and cultural communities. That problem is especially noticeable in the light of globalization when many peoples and nations almost completely lose their identity. The formula of success many people are aware of today is to remain devoted to one’s own tradition a...

By Zuhdija Adilović

Few civilizations, such as ancient Roman, ancient Greek and medieval Arabian have given to humanity so many revolutionary ideas, philosophical reflections, legal solutions, and systematization of legal norms and the legal regulation of the entire social system interwoven by temporal and spiritual, religious and civil norms. Given the above, this pa...

By Ajdin Huseinspahić

01.12.2016. Review paper Biochemistry

Today we witness that English has already virtually taken one of the crucial roles on the global stage. Therefore, this paper´s goal is to explore the change that the English Language use has undergone in today´s globalized world that has led to the birth of a new construct in the field of English Language conceptualization, namely English as a Lin...

By Elma Dedović-Atilla, Vildana Dubravac

01.12.2021. Review paper Biochemistry
Kontroverze kolektivnog pamćenja

Ever since the nineties of the XX century collective memory has become preoccupation and a research topic in a number of scientific disciplines. Despite its frequent use, even nowadays this term provokes uncertainty, disapproval and doubt. The debate on whether there is collective memory or not is usually taking place between two opposing theoretic...

By Esad Delibašić

Mus’ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a. was one of the most diligent students of Allah’s Prophet, Muhammed s.a.w.s. He embraced Islam in his early years and wove into it all of his physical and spiritual strength. Even though his parents had mistreated him because of his devotion to Islam, by depriving him of food, drink and clothing, he remained steadfast on his p...

By Šefik Kurdić

Journal of University of Zenica