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The definition and meaning of the term “ahl as-sunnah wa al-jama'a”

Zuhdija Adilović
Zuhdija Adilović
Contact Zuhdija Adilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The term “Ahl As-Sunnah” has two meanings, general and particular. In its general meaning this term designates Muslims who are not Shī'ites and all sects that are attributed to Islam except for Shī'ites. On this basis Muslims in the world are divided into Sunnites and Shī'ites. In its particular meaning this term designates Sunna followers i.e. those ones who follow the praxis of the Prophet, p.b.u.h., in all aspects of life. On the other hand, this term does not refer to those ones who practice novelties like: Shī'ites, Kharijietes, Jahmites, Mu’tazilites, Murji'ites. The term “Al-Jama’a” refers to scholars (ulama) and mujtahids. None of Islamic scholars advocates a thesis that majority of ordinary people, who do not agree with scholars (ulama), should be followed. A genuine Islamic comunity is the one that is based on the truth advocated by the first muslim community. It is the truth of all Islamic scholars and fuqaha' in any time. The ones who disapprove with them belong to exceptions which are factors of divergency and disunity. “Ahl As-Sunnah val-Jama’a” is a term which designates Sunni followers i.e. the ones who follow Prophet’s, p.b.u.h., praxis in all aspects of life and who stick to the truth pleaded by the first Muslim community.


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