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Mensur Valjevac ,
Mensur Valjevac
Contact Mensur Valjevac

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,

Mina Valjevac
Mina Valjevac


According to the Qur’an and Hadith the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the most exceptional slave and Prophet of Allah, and his family presents the most exceptional family. Its value is being indicated directly and indirectly by the Qur’an verses as well as by the hadith of the Prophet of Allah, may Allah send blessings and peace upon him. The imperative of seeking the blessing for the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, implies also seeking the blessing for his family. The value of the Ahlul Bayt is also seen in the fact that the Prophet, peace be upon him, gave some hints that in the Last Era (Akhir Zaman), a man from his Ahlul Bayt, will be properly guided and given (mehdijj) to the Earth and all its inhabitants to reestablish the disturbed balance and harmony on it, which after being filled with injustice will be filled with justice. Some descendents of the Prophet, peace be upon him, his Ahlul Bayt, are not worthy of their origin. The moral believers who avoid sins and are afraid of Allah are members of his, peace be upon him, blessed family. The love for the Prophet’s, peace be upon him, family is a duty but it might have its opposite due to its disregard, and also its extreme due to the exaggeration.


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