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Review paper


Safet Husejnović
Safet Husejnović
Contact Safet Husejnović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Qira’ats are not just strict, patterned forms of reading and writing of the Qur’anic text. On the contrary, qira’ats play an important role in studying the semantics of the Qur’an, its words and expressions. At the level of Islamic law, tafsir and qira’ats have played a decisive role in theoretical concretization of Shariah norms contained in the text of the Qur’an, as well as in the establishment of methodological and legal principles by which their derivation was conducted. The commentators of the Qur’an have been responsible towards qira’ats, in ways that that they examined their authenticity and the mode of transmission very carefully, because not all qira’ats are transferred via mutawātir transmission. Consequently, not all of them can be an expression of the Qur’an by which worship can be performed or an expression that can be uttered in a prayer. Islamic scholars do not have the same opinion on the use of Shazz - inauthentic qira’ats in proving shari’a legal regulations. Most commentators of the Qur’an allow the use of Sazz qira’at provided that: a) they have a degree of shuhr - popularity, reputation, b) they are not in conflict with qiyas-analogy of authentic qira’at variants c) they do not oppose the authentic traditions of the Prophet of Allah Muhammad, saws. This paper aims to present Shazz - inauthentic qira’ats and their impact on the derivation of Shariah law regulations.


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