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Review paper


Emina Babić ,
Selvedina Babić ,
Selvedina Babić
Senada Fejzić ,
Senada Fejzić
Enisa Piro-Bedaković
Enisa Piro-Bedaković


It is widely spoken in the world about the problem of addiction, which has become a global problem of humanity, because it destroys the most vital part of the human population- adolescents. Every society, as much as it is financially strong and willing, finds programs, for prevention - to prevent or reduce negative phenomena in society, as well as treatment programs - to cure sick/addicted to PAS. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the role and importance of social pedagogues in the treatment of addicts to psychoactive substances (PAS) through the process of socio- pedagogical treatment. Data were collected with survey method: semi-structured interview and analysis of documentation files of addicts. They were processed by qualitative analysis through the determination of units of coding, and defining categories. Analysis of the results led to the insight into the importance of a role of a social pedagogue, as a very important link in the overall treatment addicts to PAS. The study has shown that the work of a social pedagogue with PAS addicts has a significant role in the process of healing. Methods and techniques that social pedagogues use in the treatment show efficacy and positive effects. The expertise and professionalism of a social pedagogue is evident through the results of his work, and these are primarily changes in attitudes and thinking of addicts, willingness to change and cooperate. The difficulties that social pedagogues come across, and former addicts as well, are a lack of post-treatment care for this group which is why the healing process remains incomplete.


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