The primary aim of the paper was to investigate the relationship between family attachment, communication and family religiosity on the one hand, and risky behaviors, on the other hand, which are grouped into three categories: apathy and absentmindedness, truancy and the consumption of psychoactive substances, and finally aggressive behavior.
Two hypotheses were formulated, according to which there is a negative correlation between family attachment and communication and risky behavior, i.e. the students who report higher levels of family attachment and communication exhibit fewer risky behaviors. Furthermore, the second hypothesis suggested that there is also a negative correlation between family religiosity and risky behavior, i.e. the students who report higher levels of family religiosity display fewer risky behaviors.
The participants were the students of the high school “Mate Blažina” in Labin (N = 202). The results were obtained by descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation.
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