The aim of the research was to examine the attitudes of teachers, parents and students toward the impact of the parent-school cooperation on students' academic achievement.
The research sample comprised 100 students, 39 teachers, and 65 parents. A survey method was used to gather data in this research. Within this method three scales were constructed: a scale for assessing parents’ attitudes, a scale for assessing teachers’ attitudes, and finally a scale for assessing students’ attitudes.
The results indicate that, when it comes to the impact of the parent-school cooperation on students’ academic achievement, there are statistically significant differences in the attitudes between teachers, on the one hand, and parents and students, on the other hand. Parents usually come to school at the end of the first and second semester to get an insight into students’ achievement. Parents and teachers shift responsibility onto each other for the students’ failure, thus proving that the partnership between family and school is ineffective. However, parents' visits positively affect the child's achievement and his/her interest in various activities at school.
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