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Review paper

Importance of communication for professionalism in education

Dževdeta Ajanović


Today, a teacher’s professional development is said to be a process that includes different experiences, that of a pupil, student, parent, other co-workers and teachers themselves. The term socialization is more often used. Its use in this context should broaden the meaning of the term teacher’s professional education to all processes and contexts in which it really happens. The term acculturation, meaning the process of assimilation into dominant culture of education, is also used. For the last two decades, a new paradigm has been developed; a paradigm of understanding teaching profession and professional roles as well as changes of research into a teacher’s education. Defining and developing the concept of a teacher’s successful professionalism starts from necessary interpersonal competence knowledge that is important especially in encouraging mutual cooperation regarding the advancement of educational process. A great part of former researches as well as documents planning professional improvement of teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina deal with these issues and there are certain attempts to find the answer. Numerous studies have been published and the results of some of them will be mentioned in this paper.


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