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Review paper


Kristina Grbić ,
Kristina Grbić
Contact Kristina Grbić

Dječiji vrtić ''Trnoružica'' Zagreb,

Joško Sindik ,
Joško Sindik

Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb,

Marina Vuko
Marina Vuko

Dječiji vrtić ''Sopot'', Zagreb,


The aim of this study was to construct a School-readiness Questionnaire. We investigated an intentional sample of 89 children who attend kindergarten in Zagreb. Based on the factor analysis, we have reduced the number of items from 50 to 31 items. The results indicate generally low correlation scales of the questionnaire with the Test of readiness for school (TSŠ). Reliability is satisfactory and acceptable, but the discriminative value is low, hence can be said that the items of the questionnaire were too easy for this sample of subjects. It is shown that children of different genders do not differ significantly on the scales of Socio-emotional development and Cognitive development, while girls have significantly better results than boys in the scales of Physical development and motor skills and Attention and curiosity. Results at a scale of Physical development and motor skills and two scales of cognitive development do not differ significantly, in relation to the educational status of a mother and a father. At the scale of Socio-emotional development, children of fathers with lower and medium educational status, achieved significantly better results compared to children of fathers of higher educational status. However, the values of correlations show that the connection between parents and their educational status with all the areas of child development estimated with questionnaire is practically zero. Keywords: children, competences, readiness, questionnaire, school, validation


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