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Review paper

The first general principle of sharia law: the acts of the subject are judged on the basis of his intent

Šukrija Ramić
Šukrija Ramić
Contact Šukrija Ramić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


This work highlights one of five general principles in Sharia law “Actions of an individual are judged according to his/her intentions”. In the introduction a definition for the Islamic law principles (el-qavaid el-fiqhijje) is provided, then the beginning and development of these principles are explained. Having in mind that the intention (niyyah) is closely related to this principle the question of the intention is studied from all aspects. Furthermore, some secondary principles, which might be driven under this general principle, are mentioned. In the conclusion it is specially emphasized that Islamic law has firm and unchangeable sources that enabled the establishment of those principles whish have continues validity and which help mujtahid (Islamic scholar of law) in the search for solutions in all circumstances. In the end the literature which has been used during this study is mentioned.


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